Marble Floor Restoration & Polishing Services
If your marble surfaces are looking dull give us a call at ultimate finish. With over 25 years of experience we can bring your marble surfaces back to life. Below is our process to making your marble surfaces look shiny and new again.

Stone Restoration & Polishing
Sometimes all your floor needs to look like new again is thorough stone or marble polishing in Las Vegas, NV. Don’t call in just any floor cleaner to do the job—call the best! Our team has been polishing stone flooring for more than a decade, bringing out your flooring’s unique features and beautiful qualities through a high-gloss shine. When we’re done with stone polishing in Las Vegas, NV, the floors literally shine!
Types of Flooring
We work with stone flooring of any kind, residential or commercial. From the ballroom at your event center to the bathroom in your home, we’re equipped to tackle the job. Some of the most common jobs we’re called in on include:
Let us rejuvenate and restore your stone flooring today with superior polishing and floor restoration services. Reach our team today by calling (702) 456-7706.